

Our humates have been gaining more and more popularity since 2012. We maintain the quality of our products, which customers reward and their increasing consumption.

HUMASTAR is a concentrate of humic substances with an optimal representation of all molecular weights, which fundamentally distinguishes it from other products of this type. With the unique production process and technology we have entirely under our control, HUMASTAR is universally applicable without limitation of the developmental phase of the plants or tank mix. If you have an uneven, damaged ground cover, use HUMASTAR without any worries, and the regenerative impact will be in full effect within days.

The principle of operation of our humate from IRKUT LEONARDITE:

Each cell needs oxygen and carbon to create its sugars - this is the essence of Humastar's effect on plants. After the reception of carbon, the plant begins to form sugars through natural physiological processes. It has an increased energy source and can thus vegetate more intensively = natural growth stimulation. After this initial process, we then emphasize the application of Humastar with the aim of a constant supply of carbon so that the plant can keep the exchange of sugars for nutrients with soil microorganisms running. Here, we get to the influence of HUMASTAR on the soil structure. Only the activity of soil microorganisms leads to the gradual formation of large soil aggregates = soil structure. Therefore, it is essential to supply carbon continuously and keep the activity of the microorganisms running. Another important reason for regular carbon application is optimizing the N: C ratio (1:10).

General rules for applying HUMASTAR:

Due to the exclusivity of the raw material, buying the same humate as ours is impossible, and no other humate can have the same properties. Therefore, the use of humates listed below does not automatically apply to all other humic products.

  • Seed pickling of all crops without limitation of combination with common pickling agents.
  • The larger the leaf area, the more influential the result = application from the 3rd leaf.
  • A complete replacement for the wetting agent.
  • Miscibility with all common fertilizers and pesticides > increasing their usability.
  • We recommend adding HUMASTAR to nitrogen fertilizers
  • Applications at any stage of development.
  • Recommend adding to the herbicide.
  • In case of phytotoxicity, apply at a 33.8 oz/2.47 acres (1 l /ha) + water.